“The whole evening is electrified, the music pulses ceaselessly, the rhythm is sharpened, everything flows…”
(Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Kent Nagano is renowned for interpretations of clarity, elegance and intelligence. He is passionate about introducing concert and opera audiences throughout the world to new and rediscovered music and offering fresh insights into established repertoire.


Dirigent Kent Nagano erhält Brahms-Preis

March 22nd, 2024|Categories: 2023 - 2024 Season, 2023-2024 Season|

Der diesjährige Brahms-Preis wird an den renommierten Dirigenten Kent Nagano gehen. Das teilte die Brahms-Gesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein am Donnerstag in Heide (Kreis Dithmarschen) mit. Der aus Kalifornien stammende Maestro ist seit 2015 Generalmusikdirektor und Chefdirigent der Hamburgischen Staatsoper und Hamburgischer Generalmusikdirektor des Philharmonischen Staatsorchesters. Die Verleihung des mit 10.000 Euro dotierten Brahms-Preises findet am 29. September in der St. Bartholomäus-Kirche in Wesselburen statt.

7th Philharmonic Concert

February 29th, 2024|Categories: 2023 - 2024 Season|

In the 7th Philharmonic Concert of the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra on 3-4 March 2024 in the Great Hall of the Elbphilharmonie, Chief Conductor Kent Nagano will present the Fifth Symphony by Anton Bruckner, whose 200th birthday is being celebrated this year. "In this Bruckner anniversary year, one might well ask: 'Who was Anton Bruckner?', as opinions on his music continue to differ controversially," says Kent Nagano on the occasion of the 7th Philharmonic Concert. "Some see his music as the epitome of the naïve, coarse and redundant, while others want to recognise precursors of modernism in his sound combinations, the outmoded avant-garde of his era. While it is generally agreed that Bruckner's symphonic form consists primarily of a [...]

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