Kent Nagano receives honorary appointment from the Order of Canada

Congratulations to conductor Kent Nagano for receiving the honorary appointment from the Order of Canada, figuring among 83 appointments or promotions to the Order of Canada, the country’s highest civilian distinction. Kent Nagano conducted Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal for 15 years. "He has premiered and commissioned numerous works by Canadian composers, bringing the unique music of Montreal, Quebec and [...]

2024-06-28T15:14:18+01:00June 28th, 2024|2023 - 2024 Season|

Kent Nagano Releases Symphonic Recording with Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg

This first symphonic recording featuring Kent Nagano releases Schubert, Webern, Mahlerand on FARAO classics with Philharmonisches Staatsorchester Hamburg, devoted to the highly charged period at the turning point between Romanticism and Modernism. The programme consists of two chamber works by Schubert, orchestrated by Mahler and Webern and presented in a new guise, as well as an original, early chamber work [...]

2024-06-21T13:20:58+01:00June 21st, 2024|2023 - 2024 Season, New Release|

Saint Francois d’Assise staged in Hamburg

Kent Nagano embarked on a project with Georges Delnon to perform Messiaen's opera Saint François d'Assise. The Elbphilharmonie is the venue for a musical and scenic Gesamtkunstwerk with over 300 participants. Kent Nagano worked with Seiji Ozawa on the world premiere of the seldom-performed St Francois d’ Assise in Paris in 1983.  Forty years [...]

2024-06-11T08:21:56+01:00June 11th, 2024|2023 - 2024 Season|
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